WW-7 Wooden Candle Wicks
1" Wide by 6" Long
Our wooden wick has a fast burn pool formation for excellent hot throw.
Wooden wick allows for quick and easy lighting
No smoking during burn cycle (When wooden wick sized properly.)
Little to no afterglow
Wooden candle wick for use in all fuels; Paraffin, Soy, Mottling, Palm, Gel
Wooden wick works in containers, pillars, votives.
Width sizes of wooden wicks range from 1/4" to 1" in 1/8" increments.
Requires no trimming
No mushrooming or carbon buildup with little debris.
All rigid. No straightening of wick required.
One sustainer clip fits all wooden wicks.
Substantial flat area at bottom of clip for gluing.
Clip keeps flame at safety height above candle bottom.
Less overheating at end of life with wood candle wick clip.
Wick creates soft crackling sound when burning.
Wood candle wick grown and manufactured in the USA.
2 Reviews
Best wood wick
Hands down BEST wood wick I have used for my company!
Best wood wick around!!!
This wick made my candles crackle,pop and sell!!!
Helped candles give that perfect finish for campire and fireplace.Everyone loves the final effect.